Monday, August 4, 2008

Best way to get rid of acne marks fast and laser acne scar

It can not be disputed that acne is by far the number one skin issue plaguing teenagers. However is the bigger problem is many believe that is something that merely a part of puberty and must be waited out, this is not the case. Acne is a recognized medical condition and has very real side effects including permanent scarring of the skin and emotional pain and low self esteem. Teenagers are indeed faced with raging hormones but the embarrassment and grief of acne is unnecessary because it can be effectively treated.
It is also found that a diet that contains a moderate amount of zinc can help to reduce the effects of acne in the body. Zinc helps to keep the skin clear. Some foods that are very high in zinc are proteins, dark meats contain higher zinc contents then white meat, also peanuts and beans contain zinc. Zinc can also be taken in 50 mg tabs for as long as you need, and reduced as the acne subsides.
The least severe type of inflammatory acne is called a papule, a pink bump, small and firm, which appears on the skin's surface. These are sensitive to the touch and are often considered an "in between" of non-inflammatory and inflammatory acne.
tags: acne caused - evening primrose oil, getting rid of acne, review acne aroma body wash ettusais

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